
Mule Talker

They asked me what my name is
I answered that my name is my name
given to me by both my parents
and written onto a certificate enshrining
codifying announcing and celebrating 
that collection of letters

they enquired of me what my address is
I said that it is my address
a building I chose to live in
that I could afford to live in
that is in a quiet spot away from
an uncertain world's prying beak and eyes

they asked me what my telephone number is
I replied that it is a series of digits
allocated to my name and address
by a provider of telecommunications
and if you were to try to ring those numbers
that I am not sharing with you I may not answer 
as I may suspect you to be a scammer 
and it is possible that I would be unable 
to fully hear you anyway 
however honest and altruistic your intentions

I was asked what was my national insurance number
I explained that it is my national insurance number
given to me to my Government
though I did not request it
and don't quite own it
but was obliged to accept it
curate memorise and recite it
parrot fashion on uncomfortable occasions

they ask me what I do
I tell them that if I am in a car
that is travelling at 51 mph
then that is what I am doing
otherwise I do what I do
at any precise moment in my time
that's what I do
