
Food of The Unthinking

Bowdlerise a fast spin bowler 
in a bowler hat
when science is not an exact science 
so could algae help avert the energy crisis?

Honda genuine accessories 
open box magnolia monkeypox 
the English Civil War revived
share a drink with Sheila na gig
while the Queen attends her own funeral
the Medieval period still in vogue
but not with this son of appliances 

Wroxeter Viroconium 
namaste name test
voice of Alan Shearer
friend requests from enemies 
how to join NATO
blade and boss
please instruct me how to cook
or let me eat cake

who’s your daddy?
the view through the bottom of a whisky glass
I would have liked to have been an archaeologist 
that would have got me closer to the earth
and further from trouble 

or joined NATO
career advice of caribou 
action plan of Harry Horizontal 
just who’s your daddy?
